Mark-TECH-ing Series: Digital Marketing Tools - Introduction to Google Analytics
What is Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is a web analytics tool for tracking the performance of website traffic. It provides marketers access to an abundance of data about their customers and online service which helps them evaluate the performance of their digital marketing strategy.
An introduction of Google Analytics
How can we use Google Analytics?
Google Analytics provides data such as user activity by cohort, most visited pages, customer demographic, etc. This allows marketers to have a deeper understanding of the performance of their strategy. Moreover, marketers can launch two or more versions of the same campaign, and measure the difference in their performance and conversion rate. This is known as A/B testing. Its effectiveness is highlighted by a study from the Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice (Chaffey & Patron, 2012) which indicated that Google Analytics helped optimise performance and conversions of marketing campaigns as well as determine the best creative executions.
Key Takeaway
In summary, Google Analytics is a popular and powerful digital tool that supports marketers in evaluating the performance of their strategies. It aids them to create data-driven marketing decisions and execute necessary adjustments to enhance their conversions rates.
Written by Christopher Tong and Kelli Liu.
Analytics Tools & Solutions for Your Business – Google Analytics. (2021). Retrieved 8 August 2021, from
Welcome to Google Analytics for Beginners (3:19) (2017). Retrieved 8 August 2021, from
McGaw, D. (2019). The Importance of Analytics in Digital Marketing - Retrieved 8 August 2021, from
Chaffey, D., & Patron, M. (2012). From web analytics to digital marketing optimization: Increasing the commercial value of digital analytics. Journal Of Direct, Data And Digital Marketing Practice, 14(1), 30-45. doi: 10.1057/dddmp.2012.20